
Showing posts from January, 2021

Men, Djinn & Angels Theory: In the Beginning

 The novel, Men, Djinn, and Angels: Awakening is the first of many stories in the Men, Djinn & Angels saga. The storylines are too rich for me to go in-depth with the novels or with the short stories.  I thought it would be nice to share some of the underlined currents and philosophies that connect to them.  The first theory deals with the time and physicality of the old earth and new.  Most people are familiar with the biblical account in Genesis, but I'd like to invite the reader to consider how it puzzles together with other possibilities.  First, let's consider the amount of time passed between the first three verses.   1. In the beginning, G-d created the heavens and the earth. 2.  Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of G-d was hovering over the waters.  3.  And G-d said, "Let there be light," and there was light. When I read City of God by St. Augustin...

A Fabrication of Racism

  Racism is a 400 million dollar per year fabrication. At least that is what Mel, the main character's cousin, claims in the novel  Exposed: Humanity Craves Power.  The irony is that as crazy as this sounds on the surface, there is some shocking truth to it.  When I look at dinosaurs like the NAACP and the Rainbow Push Coalition, I see stagnated power that has dwindled into seeming nothingness. Organizations like Black Alliance for Just Immigration, Trans Women of Color, and Blackout for Human Rights have stolen the old organizations' thunder. I've conceded that senior civil rights organizations have lost their effectiveness and influence due to changes in their agendas and financial obligations. The NAACP, the Nation's oldest watchdog, has gotten fat from monetary donations – Microsoft, Wyndham, Exxon, Wachovia, PepsiCo, and Kodak (Bartlett, 2004). After attacking the Adam's Mark hotel chain in 1999 and settling for 1.1 million dollars in a federal discrimination l...